A road paved with seriousness

I was born in Belgrade, on December 14. 1983. I grew up with my mother, father and sister, and my childhood was most marked by summers in Pljevlja with my grandparents. I had wonderful company there, and unlimited freedom, so Pljevlja marked my upbringing in a special way. My beginnings as an actor were in Vlado Andrić's studio at the end of elementary school. I loved going there, but I was far from being seriously interested in acting, as something that could be my profession. I even remember that in the first public lesson, I didn't invite anyone to watch me. I didn't consider it so important then.

110 hurdles in Knez

In the second year of high school, I went to the Youth Open Club and one day a friend from the club told me that the next day there was an audition with Mika Aleksić. A few months before that, I watched the show "While Angels Sleep" in which he was a guest, I was literally glued to the TV while he was talking, and I thought how I would like to meet that man and be with him in a group. And so I went to the audition and was accepted after various vicissitudes. Mika is known for his "soft" performance, so after the audition I thought I had no chance of being accepted. However, it did, and I remember running and jumping all over Knez Miḫailova with happiness. In the group, I still didn't decide on acting, I was thinking more about dramaturgy. And then, during the winter break before the entrance exam, Andrijana Tasić started preparing monologues for the entrance exam, and somehow with her, I started preparing without any idea that I would actually go to that entrance exam.

It wouldn't work otherwise

And that famous September came when it was all or nothing. I was already enrolled in another faculty and I thought if I don't pass, that's it, I won't try again. My happiness succeeded you and now I am doing a job that I adore and I don't know if anyone else would make me so happy and fulfilled. Of course, so that it doesn't turn out that I became an actress out of nothing, I intensively went to the theater and admired everything that was happening there and probably secretly hoped that one day I would be a part of it myself.

The scene is a golden hook

When we talk about first successes, I consider my first separation from the Academy, in the third year of studies in the play "The Golden Hook", in which I played with half of my class, to be some of my intimate successes. During your studies, you're kind of tucked away, and you don't have any contact with the outside world except for your exams, but fans - parents, friends - come to them, and this is the first time we've met the audience. And the first approval... In the graduation play "Closeness". The role of Alice is my most serious one so far, and the biggest acting assignment, so perhaps that's where the audience and I found ourselves the most. It's wonderful that the show is still being played.

Man is a process

As for the obstacles, with each new task you find something in yourself that you have to overcome and that is completely normal. During my studies, I tried to set myself complicated tasks, which at that moment were perhaps unattainable for me due to my experience, age and complexity of character. But I think studies are for that, to make mistakes, to try and to look at it all as a stage in actor's maturation, and not to worry about what the final result will be. In my professional career, I have not yet come across such a complex role, except for Alice, which probably means so much to me because of that. And of course, I was asked to work on the role of Desdemona in "Othello". There, I had a lot of breakdowns, questioning and suffering with various scenes and finding solutions for them. But that's why the theater is also valuable, because of that long process that lasts two or three months, and because of the possibility that a lot of things can change during it.

I'm still dreaming

My unfulfilled goal is the role of Nastasya Filipovna from "The Idiot". I hope I will have the opportunity to play it in a few years. I would also love to act in one of Tennessee Williams' plays, I find his heroines fascinating, multi-layered and exciting to work with. What makes Buḫa stand out is its very good atmosphere, and I still remember the period when, as a young actress, in the third year of my studies, I came to do "Snežana". Everyone really wanted to help me, I immediately felt accepted. That's why I can't and don't want to single out any of my colleagues as my favorite, I love Buḫa and all the people in it.

And when time stops

When I need to relax, I like to watch series while drinking. I am able to stay away for a couple of days. My last one was "Rome", before that "Cold feet", "Friends", "Prison break"... But the biggest form of relaxation for me is traveling, anywhere, it's only important to change the place. Because every time I come back, it's like starting from the beginning, I feel like everything is new to me. When I go out, I like places where I can talk with friends, places where I can create a homely atmosphere. I like it when I get to know people after a while. And, of course, I often go to theaters and cinemas.

Кoмплeт зa oпстaнaк духa

Прeдстaвe „Случaj Вojцeк Хинкeмaн” и „Ћeиф”, филмoви „Глaвoм крoз зид”, „Пoжудa – oпрeз” и „Живoти других”, књигe „Лoвaц нa змajeвe” и „Дoплeр”, a oд музикe „Feist”, „La Roux” и „Jinx”